Benevolent Beasties
"Benevolent Beasties" captures often misunderstood ancient mythological creatures, legendary cryptids and spirit beings simply existing in their habitat of Planet Earth’s cryosphere and winter months. A reminder that even in the midst of fear, the unknown and life’s harshest conditions — the way out is through. Stay curious, open, and never judge a benevolent beastie by its fur, or lack thereof. Contributing artists: Andrii Shramko, Supriya Bhandari, Arie Wijianto, Curtis Bergesen, Jonny DeStefano, Ray Young Chu, Derek Knierim, Jeff Mitchell, Derek Knierim, Jonathan Dodd, Pete Kornowski, Chris Austin, Jash Tracey, Indigo Blu, Krysti Joméi, Eric Joyner, Austin Parkhill, Graham Franciose, Josh Keyes, Brian Serway, Alex Skopje artist