Bartholomé Rondet
USA 2018
“Bio-séparateur” is an interactive video and audio triptych. It represents a mechanical ecosystem which feeds off humans’ involuntary inputs to fuel its own growth. Each projection shows one of the ecosystem’s “organs”, each playing its own part in the processing of the human presence it feeds off. These specific “organs” are the ecosystem’s brain, guts and growing limbs. In the same way that different organs work in synergy within a biological organism, each “organ” reacts not only to outside inputs but also to each other. Their individual and common reaction to human presence are materialized through both visual and sonic responses. The cumulative processing of human input over time results in the mechanical ecosystem growing new organic limbs.
“Bio-séparateur” addresses and embodies a classic science-fiction trope: the shift of agency, power structure and sentience between humans and their fast-progressing technologies. However, unlike traditional media, “Bio-séparateur” offers its audience the opportunity to experience this speculative concept through its interactive and atmospheric nature. “Bio-séparateur” is also a straightforward reference to Jodorowsky’s and Moebius’ 1981 book “L’incal”, and in a way a loose remediation of its device called the “bio-separator”, which creates technological devices out of human cadavers.
“Bio-séparateur” will premiere at Understudy on March 28, 2019, with a reception from 6:00pm – 9:00pm.
Open installation hours March 28 – March 29 from 6:00pm – 9:00pm. Understudy is free-to-visit.
Born in Paris, France, Bartholomé Rondet is a Denver-based creative experimenter in new media. His work is interactive and visually-focused, exploring unconventional and innovative technology-based canvases. His experiments include works in 3D modeling, game engine virtual spaces (with a focus on Virtual Reality), sensor-based interaction, motion graphics animation, 3D printing, computer vision and wearable technologies. Motivated by innovative Human-Computer interaction and the increasingly tangible fluidity between virtual and physical realms, Rondet’s works are both influenced by and reference science fiction’s retro-futuristic speculative technologies in their aesthetic as well as philosophical implications, embodying both the awe-inspiring and fear-inducing qualities of technological innovation.
Understudy is located at the Colorado Convention Center / Theatre District light rail stop near 14th and Stout. Look for the B-Cycle station next to the light rail tracks or Shantell Martin’s art bench.