Aunna Moriarty
The Blue of Distance Calls for the Closeness of Color
October 2023

Colorado residents and visitors alike experience the blue of distance when we look to the Rockies, calling wanderers to tour the many trails the mountains offer. Upon arriving at one’s destination, the longing for the blue of distance is hushed, and we are met with the closeness of color: yellow and purple flowers, a spectrum of green lichen on red rock, orange moths, and copper elk. Using a blend of inherently blue cyanotypes and digital color video evokes this colorful transformation of near and far.

Artist Bio:

Engaging with alternative process and digital photography, bookmaking, performance, and video art, Aunna Moriarty’s practice is informed by rituals and routines in everyday life, home, and inner realities in contrast to the external world. Playing with the impact of time, color, and scale, she explores the dichotomy of interior and exterior spaces to investigate the psyche and frequently performs in her own work. Born and raised in Washington State, her practice is rooted in the Pacific Northwest, exhibiting in Seattle, Bellingham, and Portland. Moriarty is a graduate of the BFA in Photography program at Seattle University and is currently an MFA in Integrated Media candidate at the University of Colorado Boulder.